Events Archive 2010-2014

This page is all about our events and activities from 2010 onwards. For other years, please use the menus on the left.

January 2014

We started our celebrations for the Big Brownie Birthday - 100 years of Brownies.


We spent much of the spring and summer terms working towards the Big Brownie Birthday challenge, undertaking a huge variety of activities.

We learned some first aid and had great fun creating fake wounds.

Wounds Wounds Wounds Wounds Wounds

We celebrated the Chinese New Year.


February 2014

We had a onesie party to say goodbye to Jess, Mia, Lily and Abbie who left Brownies.

Onesie Onesie Onesie

We made Thinking Day candles for ourselves and extras to give to family and friends who had previously been Brownies. The idea was to display these in our windows on the evening of Thinking Day - the 22nd February.

Candles Candles Candles

We took part in the International Thinking Day Postcard Exchange for the twelfth year. We received postcards from all over the world again. We all received a special Postcard Exchange badge which you can see on our badges page.

Ami, Nicola and Lucy attended the Division Thinking Day event in St Neots.

March 2014

The Sixers became leaders for an evening and the leaders became Brownies.


We went on an adventure to Pax Lodge - the World Guiding Centre in London. 2nd Bar Hill Brownies joined us too. We travelled on the train and the underground. The day was filled with fun international activities and exploring Pax Lodge. We even met a group of Guides from Canada.

PaxLodge PaxLodge PaxLodge PaxLodge PaxLodge PaxLodge PaxLodge PaxLodge PaxLodge PaxLodge

April 2014

We went on Brownie Holiday to PGL Caythorpe Court. See what we got up to on our holiday pages.

May 2014

We created some Brownie themed natural art on a lovely sunny evening.

NaturalArt NaturalArt NaturalArt NaturalArt

June 2014

We planted bean seeds. We were challenged to grow the beans by looking after them, and then eat them. Any Brownie who achieved this would be awarded a prize. Layla was our star gardener who succeeded in the challenge and won herself a Brownie purse.

Seeds Seeds Seeds

We joined Brownies from all over the Division for a Big Brownie Birthday Party at Berkley Street Methodist Church Hall.


Chloe left Brownies as she was moving to New Zealand. We had a BBQ party in Jenni's parents' garden to say farewell.


July 2014

We took part in a Village Trail. We had to get our photos taken with lots of village landmarks (and in some other random places!).

VillageTrail VillageTrail VillageTrail VillageTrail VillageTrail VillageTrail VillageTrail VillageTrail VillageTrail VillageTrail

We had a stall at Paxfest (Little Paxton Village Fete).

Paxfest Paxfest

We had a bowling party for out last meeting of the term.

Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling

October 2014

We went on an Owl themed Brownie Holiday. Find out what we got up to on our holiday pages.

November 2014

We took part in the Remembrance parade and service.

Remembrance Remembrance

Honor left Brownies to move up to Guides and chose to have a neon themed party for her last meeting.

Neon Neon Neon

December 2014

We made a Christmas Tree and a giant snowman for the Christmas Tree Festival.

XmasTree XmasTree

Many of the Brownies were joined by Rainbows, Brownies and Guides at the District Christingle service.

Christingle Christingle

We finished the year with our annual Christmas Carol Service and party with the other Little Paxton units. Three new Brownies chose to make their Promises during the Carol Service. Neve and Mary moved up to Guides.

January 2013

We had a photo taken of the whole pack together - of course we had to pull silly faces too!

Group Group

We really enjoyed making chocolate crispy cakes!

Cakes Cakes Cakes Cakes Cakes

February 2013

We took part in the International Thinking Day Postcard Exchange for the eleventh year. We received postcards from all over the world again. We all received a special Postcard Exchange badge which you can see on our badges page.

Some of us attended the Division Thinking Day event in Eaton Socon.

April 2013

After several weeks of practising, we put on the performance for our entertainer badge. There was singing, skits, acting and dancing, plus the work of our backstage team.

May 2013

We went to the circus! Happy's Circus was visiting Little Paxton School field so we went to watch the clowns, acrobats, trapeze artists and the ring master in action.

Circus Circus Circus Circus Circus

June 2013

We went to Macqueen House in Twywell, near Kettering for our Brownie Holiday. See what we got up to on our holidays page.

July 2013

We had a fantastic evening at the Oasis Beach pool in Bedford for Daynah, Millie, Lilly & Lauren's leaving party. We hired the whole pool so just the Brownies and their families could enjoy the rapids, waves and flumes without the crowds.

September 2013

We started back at Brownies learning about the new Brownie promise.

October 2013

It was badge month at Brownies. Everyone chose a badge and spent 4 weeks working towards it. At the end of the month 8 Brownies achieved their Craft badge, 3 gained Artist, 6 gained Communicator, 3 achieved Brownie Traditions and 3 achieved Writer.

November 2013

Our new Brownies made their Promise for the first time and all the other Brownies renewed their Promise with the new wording.

December 2013

Several Brownies attended a craft afternoon and party with other Brownies from the district.

Many of the Brownies were joined by Rainbows, Brownies and Guides at the District Christingle service.

We finished the year with our annual Christmas Carol Service and party with the other Little Paxton units.

February 2012

We took part in the International Thinking Day Postcard Exchange for the tenth year. We received postcards from all over the world again, with most of postcards coming from the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK. We also received cards from Germany, Singapore, Norway and Vietnam, just to name a few. We all received a special Postcard Exchange badge which you can see on our badges page.

Seven of us attended the Division Thinking Day event in Eynesbury, where we joined in with singing and watched a performance about how the Olympic values compare to Guiding values.

March 2012

We were in the Waitrose Green Tokens draw. The Brownies received £328 from a pot of £1000 from Waitrose, St Neots.

We took part in the District Brownie Swimming Gala, along with Brownies from St Neots and Great Paxton. We finished second, just 4 points behind the winners. We did really well as we only had 7 Brownies in our team. We won the Yvonne Giffard Memorial Relay.

Swim Swim Swim

April 2012

We went on a Brownie Holiday to PGL Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire. Find out what we got up to on our holiday page.

We started work on the On Your Marks resource learning about the sports, values and culture of the Olympics. The challenge will last throughout the term.

The Brownies had fun painting mugs:

Mugs Mugs Mugs Mugs

May 2012

We enjoyed making energy bars as part of the On Your Marks badge.

EnergyBars EnergyBars EnergyBars EnergyBars EnergyBars

Jenni abseiled down the 418 feet / 127 metres of Northampton Lift Tower to raise funds for the Brownies and for St James Church. Jenni really enjoyed it and raised over £400 to be split between the causes.

Abseil Abseil Abseil Abseil Abseil

June 2012

19 girls from 1st Little Paxton Brownies joined Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, leaders and helpers for the St Neots Division Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebration at the Priory Centre in St Neots. The girls took part in activties at 5 different bases: Animals, Commonwealth, Crown Jewels, Garden Parties and Sport. There was a picnic lunch eaten street party style, a fireless campfire and lots of fun! Here are a few photos. Hopefully there might be some better official photos to follow. (Jenni was on First Aid duty so wasn't able to take many photos.)

Jubilee Jubilee Jubilee Jubilee Jubilee

October 2012

We went on Brownie holiday to Mollivers near Bedford. See what we got up to on our holidays page.

Laura, Miah and Amy left Brownies with a Hollywood themed party. We enjoyed dressing up and walking on the red carpet.

Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood

November 2012

A group of Brownies visited Cambridge Observatory as part of their Stargazer badge work.

Star Star

December 2012

We joined Brownies from Great Paxton and St Neots for Brownie craft day at Great Paxton. We make 6 different crafts to take home.

Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft Craft

1st Little Paxton Brownies joined 1st The Paxtons Rainbows and 2nd Little Paxton Guides for our Christmas Carol Service and then the Brownies and Guides enjoyed a party with a visit from Santa.

February 2011

We took part in the International Thinking Day Postcard Exchange for the ninth year. We received postcards from all over the world, including from USA, Canada, Japan, Denmark, Singapore Australia and Vietnam, just to name a few. We all received a special Postcard Exchange badge which you can see on our badges page.

Seven of us attended the Division Thinking Day event in St Neots. Our District put on a short play about what Guides would be doing in different countries at the time we were celebrating Thinking Day. We represented Switzerland, and in particular, Our Chalet. We dressed up in warm clothes as it would be snowy there and Guides might be doing outdoor activities such as hiking or snow sports.

March 2011

We took part in the District Brownie Swimming Gala, along with Brownies from St Neots and Great Paxton. We finished third.


April 2011

Eight Brownies and Jenni joined the District Holiday to PGL Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire. See what we got up to on our holidays page.

June 2011

We went to Macqueen House in Twywell, near Kettering for our Brownie Holiday. See what we got up to on our holidays page.

July 2011

We had fun blowing bubbles and playing water themed games. Some of us got very wet!

water water water water water water water water

September 2011

In our sixes, we chose our activities for a meeting. Icing biscuits, painting tiles and a bin bag fashion show were the activities chosen.

sept sept sept sept sept sept sept sept sept sept

October 2011

As part of the Anglia 40th Birthday Challenge, we had a movie star evening. Everyone who wanted to came dressed as a film star.

movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie movie

Daynah, Millie, Lilly and Lauren spent a day at Jenni's house during half term to achieve their Cook Advanced badge. They made a two course meal: home made pizza, wedges, beans and spaghetti hoops, then chocolate brownies for pudding. They showed they knew about kitchen safety and hygiene, and created a poster showing healthy eating and food groups. They washed up in the correct order and cleaned out a microwave. After a visit to the park, we went to the shops to buy the food needed for a childrens party. The party food consisted of rocky road, chocolate chip cookies, fruit kebabs, sausages and crisps.

cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks cooks

November 2011

Ten Brownies attended the Remembrance Sunday Service at St James Church, Little Paxton

Craft Day took place at Great Paxton School. Brownies and Rainbows from the District came together to make Christmas cards, Christmas decorations, Christmas stockings, Christmas pin badges and to decorate Christmas Biscuits.

The St Neots Priory District Christingle Service was well attended by lots of Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Leaders, plus family and friends. Our thanks go to Folbigg Farm Shop in Little Paxton who donated the oranges for the Christingles and to Little Paxton Post Office who donated the sweets for the Christingles. Also, thanks to Maria Button for the image below.


December 2011

We joined 1st The Paxtons Rainbows and 2nd Little Paxton Guides for our Christmas Carol Service. The Rainbows and Brownies each put on a performance and the Guides took the opportunity to present a Baden-Powell Award to a member of the unit. Afterwards the Brownies and Guides had a party at the Scout HQ, with party games, food and a visit from Santa. Amber moved up from Brownies to Guides.

Jenni took four Brownies to Wood Green Animal Shelter. They went to deliver all the donations that were collected earlier in the term as part of the Anglia 40th Birthday Challenge.

Woodgreen Woodgreen Woodgreen Woodgreen Woodgreen Woodgreen Woodgreen



Centenary year - celebrating 100 years of Guiding

February 2010

We took part in the International Thinking Day Postcard Exchange for the eighth year. We received postcards from all over the world, including from USA, Canada, Argentina, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Singapore and Hong Kong, just to name a few. We all received a special Postcard Exchange badge which you can see on our badges page.

Twelve of us attended the Division Thinking Day event in Eaton Socon. Each District represented one of the five World Guiding Regions. Our district represented Africa, and our performance was the Circle of Life from the Lion King, with each unit dressed as a different African animal. We were zebras.

March 2010

We took part in the District Brownie Swimming Gala, along with Brownies from St Neots and Great Paxton. We came second yet again - it's the seventh time we've come second in the last 9 years! We are the only unit not to have won the gala. Below are some of the Brownies in action, along with a picture of our entire team.

Swim Swim Swim Swim Swim Swim

The District Centenary Campfire took place at Ripton Lodge in Abbots Ripton. Sixteen of our Brownies attended along with lots of their parents and siblings. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers from all the units in the District were represented. We sang campfire songs, watched campfire skits and had hotdogs for supper. We received a special Centenary Campfire badge.

Campfire Campfire Campfire Campfire Campfire

June 2010

We went to Houghton Chapel Centre near Huntingdon, for our Brownie Holiday. See what we got up to on our holidays page.

We had a great time pond dipping at Paxton Pits on a lovely sunny evening. We caught lots of creatures including newts, water boatmen and larvae. We put everything back afterwards.

Pond Dipping Pond Dipping Pond Dipping Pond Dipping Pond Dipping

We took part in a photo trail around Little Paxton during our Brownie meeting. We scored points for getting our photo taken with certain things such as cats, a bus (they're a rare occurence!), blue flowers, road signs and village landmarks. Below are pictures of Pixies during the trail.

Village Village Village Village Village Village Village Village Village Village

July 2010

We have almost finished our adventure 100 badge. We made the 100 symbol and had an aerial photo taken. Compare it to the real 100 years logo at the top of this page, or the one below... How do you think we did?


We went tobogganing at Bassingbourn Snowsports Centre and had a great time sliding down the slope! Even the leaders took part.

Tobogganing Tobogganing Tobogganing Tobogganing Tobogganing

Jenni, Lucy, Emilia, Laura and Miah took part in the Celebration of Guiding in Peterborough. Girlguiding Cambridgeshire West was given the Freedom of the City of Peterborough. The four Brownies played a important part in the Cathedral Service, modelling the Jeff Banks Brownie Uniform of the 1990s.

Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough Peterborough

July/August 2010

Jenni went to the Girlguiding UK Centenary camp as a volunteer. She mainly worked with the creativity team instructing craft sessions, but also helped out with the lost and found.

September 2010

Jenni and Tina (parent helper) took 7 Brownies to the Brownies Take Over Flag Fen event. Maia, Charis, Lucy, Emilia, Laura, Miah and Amy had a great time. There was a picnic, a singing session, a posting ceremony, clay pot making, storytelling, making natural collages, visiting a round house, a quiz and a mosaic activity, as well as a visit to the shop.

Flag Fen Flag Fen Flag Fen Flag Fen Flag Fen Flag Fen Flag Fen Flag Fen Flag Fen Flag Fen

October 2010

Nearly all of the Brownies took part in our District Centenary Finale - Vision - celebrating 100 years of Guiding. We looked back at the last year and forward to many more years of Guiding. We had party food, an indoor campfire, a big birthday cake and remade our Promises. Lily made her Promise for the first time and received her special promise badge. Everyone else will receive theirs as soon as the order arrives.

Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision

November 2010

Some of the Brownies went to the district Craft Day where they got to try six different crafts, some with a Christmas theme. There were Brownies from 4 different packs and one pack of Rainbows there.

December 2010

We joined 1st The Paxtons Rainbows and 2nd Little Paxton Guides for our Christmas Carol Service. Each unit put on a short performance as part of the service. Afterwards the Brownies and Guides had a party at the Scout HQ, with party games, food and a visit from Santa.