
We take part in lots of activities, events and outings and have a very varied programme at our weekly meetings. Our events pages let you see some of the things we have done.

This page is all about our events and activities in 2017. For other years, please use the menus on the left.

January 2017

We had 5 Brownies join the unit - 4 moving up from Rainbows and one transferring from Great Paxton.

We worked towards the Friend to Animals badge, including decorating our initials in animal print whilst learning about camoflage.

FriendToAnimals FriendToAnimals FriendToAnimals FriendToAnimals FriendToAnimals

February 2017

We completed the Friend to Animals badge with a trip to Pets at Home in Huntingdon. The Brownies got to hold and stroke rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and hamsters. They also learned about animal care and were able to ask lots of questions.

PetsAtHome PetsAtHome PetsAtHome PetsAtHome PetsAtHome

We celebrated Thinking Day at Love's Farm House with other units from St Neots Division. There were lots of different activity stations where girls could do a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities, involving crafts, food, and learning. Jenni and Maria were running an activity cooking popcorn over tealights.


A few of the Brownies took up the challenge to do their own research into Thinking Day, WAGGGS or World Guiding, then brought their projects into our meeting.


March 2017

We went to see Beauty and the Beast at the cinema at one of Girlguiding's exclusive screenings.

Cinema Cinema Cinema Cinema

April 2017

We took part in the St George's Day parade in Little Paxton.

St George St George St George

May 2017

Robyn, Abby and Amy left Brownies and moved up to Guides. Two new Brownies joined the unit.

July 2017

We joined with other units from Priory District to take part in Festival in a Day at Great Paxton School. Activities included falconry, chill out zone, hobby horse gymkhana, STEM activities, bouncy castle, nature activities, circus skills and sports. There was a BBQ for lunch and a campfire to end the day. Jenni spent most of the day supervising the falconry, which is the reason for mainly falconry photos!

Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival

We went on a Harry Potter themed Brownie holiday to Earth House, Northern Heights near Borehamwood. Find out what we got up to on our holiday page.

We ended the term with a BBQ party at Jenni's parents' house. We said goodbye to Izzy who was leaving us and moving to Belgium.

Jess completed Jenni's Kenya challenge, producing some detailed work.

Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenya

July/August 2017

Jenni travelled with Girlguiding to Kenya to volunteer for two weeks at Lion Hill School, a school in one of the most deprived parts of Nakuru (Kenya's fourth largest city). As well as doing building maintenance work (including a lot of painting), some teaching, leading Guiding style activities and distributing donations, she also enjoyed a couple of days on safari.

Photos to follow...

September 2017

Two new Brownies joined us at the start of term, both moving up from 1st The Paxtons Rainbows.

The Brownies were asked to plant an oak tree on the village playing fields. 5 of the Brownies planted the tree on their second attempt - the first was a wash out due to torrential rain!

Tree Tree Tree Tree

October 2017

Some of the Brownies attended Harvest Festival.


About half the Brownies attended Bounce at Wood Green Animal Shelter. The arena was filled with a variety of inflatables including obstacle courses and bouncy castles. It was great fun for all the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and leaders from Cambridgeshire West.

Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce Bounce

October/November 2017

All the Brownies worked hard to gain their Cook badge. The Brownies created unicorn themed cupcakes, baked biscuits, cooked microwave pizzas and made fruit kebabs. They also learned about kitchen safety and food hygiene. Information and instructions for the activities can be found on the resources page.

Cooks Cooks Cooks Cooks Cooks

November 2017

The Brownies took part in the Remembrance Sunday Parade in St Neots. Thank you to Helen Smith and Hayley Sherwood for some of the photos.

Remembrance Remembrance Remembrance Remembrance Remembrance

We had 2 special visitors to Brownies, a pair of rescue hedgehogs brought in by Bronte's mum, Nadine.

Hedgehogs Hedgehogs Hedgehogs Hedgehogs Hedgehogs

We tried out some of the new activity cards supplied by Girlguiding. In one of the activities, the Brownies learned how to use hammers, screwdrivers and pliers to put nails and screws into potatoes (easier than wood, and therefore safer for learning) and take them out again.

December 2017

Some of the Brownies attended the District Christingle Service.

Photos to follow...

We ended the year with our traditional Christmas Carol Service with 1st The Paxtons Rainbows and 2nd Little Paxton Guides, and then enjoyed a joint party with the Guides.

Photos to follow...