There are 57 different Brownie interest badges. You can view the syllabus for each badge on the Brownie website.
Brownies can work on interest badge on their own, with friends, with their six or as a whole pack.
Once a Brownie has completed a badge she is "tested" to make sure she has completed all the clauses. The test isn't like a school test, just a chance to talk through what parts of the badge have been completed and to show off what has been done.
Some badges have more flexibility than others, for example, with First Aid or Swimmer, it is important that a Brownie can do exactly what is asked of them. A badge such as Artist or Toymaker has more flexibility and can be adapted to suit a Brownie's ability level. As long as she has done her best in completing the clauses, the badge will be awarded.
The Brownie Adventure, Adventure On and More Adventures badge syllabi can be found on the Brownie Badge page:
Brownies can become Sixers or Seconds.
The Sixer has a vital role in looking after her six, making sure everybody is happy and knows what they are doing. Sixers may have other jobs such as organising games, collecting subs and looking after new Brownies.
The Second helps the sixer out, and may have some responsibilities of her own.
Sixers and Seconds tend to be the older Brownies in the pack, but this is not always the case. Sometimes a younger Brownie may be a Sixer or Second if she shows maturity and responsibility.
A Brownie may become a Brownie Buddy to a new Brownie joining the unit.
This is an ideal role for a Brownie who is not yet a Sixer. A Buddy is an experienced Brownie, who personally looks after the new Brownie. She is her partner for games, shows her around, helps her settle in and is her ‘link’ in the unit.
A Brownie Buddy may also help the new Brownie with her Becoming a Brownie book and learning the Brownie Promise.
The Anglia Nights Away scheme is run by Girlguiding Anglia. There is more information on their website.
There are usually lots of different challenge badges to choose from at any given time. Some are created by Girlguiding regions and others are designed by units, districts and divisions.
Challenge badges can be used to supplement the Brownie Adventure programme.
There are lots of badges that Brownies can work towards as part of their Brownie Adventure. There are also badges that are given, rather than earned.
These are the Interest Badges that are most commonly worked towards and earned by 1st Little Paxton Brownies.
Brownie Holiday
Brownie Holiday Advanced
Friend to Animals
Swimmer Advanced
These are some of the other badges that Brownies can earn during their adventure.
Adventure On
More Adventures
All the Adventure Badges
World Badge
Brownie Buddy
Brownies Go For It
Brownies was an Adventure
1st Little Paxton Brownies take part in the Anglia Nights Away scheme, where badges are earned for nights spent away on Guiding sleepovers, holidays and camps. Most Brownies have earned their one night away badge, and some Brownies have earned their 5 nights and 10 nights badges.
1 night away
5 nights away
10 nights away
50 nights away
As Brownies, we like to work towards challenge badges. Some challenge badges are created by other units to raise awareness of issues or to raise money for charity. Some challenge badges are just for fun. In 2014 we worked towards the Big Brownie Birthday Challenge badge, the Owl Challenge and the Hoot Challenge.
Big Brownie Birthday Challenge
Owl Challenge
Hoot Challenge
Sometimes we get to wear badges to celebrate special events. In 2014 we had lots of different badges to celebrate 100 years of Brownies - known as the Big Brownie Birthday.
Every year we take part in the Thinking Day Postcard Exchange where we trade postcards with other Guides and Scouts all over the world. We receive a participation badge. Here are the badges we have received since we started taking part in 2003.
Find out more about the Thinking Day Postcard Exchange.